The Knife

The Knife - Silent Shout

I never knew this could happen to me
I know now fragility
I know there's people who I haven't told
I know of people who are getting old

Wish I could speak in just one sweep
What you are and what you mean to me
Instead I mumble randomly
You stand by and enlighten me

In a dream I lost my teeth again
Calling me woman and half man
Yes in a dream all my teeth fell out
A cracked smile and a silent shout
A cracked smile and a silent shout

If I explain it once thoroughly
He'll have you later 'cause it's never free
You were at the gigantic spree
I caught a glimpse now it haunts me
I caught a glimpse now it haunts me

The Knife - Heartbeats

One night to be confused
One night to speed up truth
We had a promise made
Four hands and then away
Both under influence
We had divine scent
To know what to say
Mind is a razorblade

To call for hands of above, to lean on
Wouldn't be good enough for me, no

One night of magic rush
The start: a simpel touch
One night to push and scream

And then relief
Ten days of perfect tunes
The colours red and blue
We had a promise made
We were in love

To call for hands of above, to lean on
Wouldn't be good enough for me, no

To call for hands of above, to lean on
Wouldn't be good enough

And you
You knew the hand of a devil
And you
Kept us awake with wolves teeth
Sharing different heartbeats in one night

To call for hands of above, to lean on
Wouldn't be good enough for me, no

To call for hands of above, to lean on
Wouldn't be good enough

Analog Summing?

"I just don't buy it. I've heard examples, people have posted up examples around the 'net, and every time they do it, they go 'Listen to how much better that sounds when it's summed,' and I've always preferred the digital mix. So I think I'm just going to stick with that."

---Rob Swire, Pendulum



首先真的很爽的事情是往香港的座位居然是在 747 Jumbo 二樓的商務倉,我的膝蓋居然不會頂到前面的座位外加可以把腳打直!到香港機場再過一次海關直奔免稅商店區的粥麵館來份好味的水餃麵解解饞,路上還看到新開的 Sea Food Bar 魚子醬!專賣店。


不過熟悉的三里屯倒是變了,路上多了許多想拉你去看看外帶美眉的小伙子。看起來稍微摩登一點的酒吧仍然瘋狂放送著流行樂曲,我仍然有點小迷路地錯過 Jazz Ya 的小巷口。Jazz Ya 原本的木造氣息被滿佈的俐落黑色沙發取代,不過滿滿爵士樂還在,沒跟妳說我去了哪裡一個人吃晚餐,兀自點了大概兩人份的東西懷念地邊吃邊想著,如果能夠和妳一起再來,應該是挺好的吧。


第二天去吃大董烤鴨,三個人花了一千二,感謝公司業務經理慷慨解囊。稍晚星光現場看到不錯的加拿大團 Woodhands,好想要有台 MS-20。老外和當地音樂人很多,也看到蠻跳的很開心相當可愛的外國女生。


瘋狂主唱把弄著 Keytar 還有合成器和鼓機


這張照醜了。正妹和人很 nice 的業務經理。

第三天去一家叫 Assagi 的義大利餐廳,又是業務經理慷慨解囊,很不好意思地跟他說到台北我請他去 Tutto Bello。Assagi環境不錯,餐點有點裝模作樣就是了。吃完再去后海喝一瓶 90 塊的 Eindinger 邊看包括川劇變臉各式各樣的秀。

最後一個晚上去很有名的糖果聽 Loco Dice 放歌,要進去之前還納悶為啥有人在發扇子,進去之後才知道,啊,原來北京的 venue 都不開空調。一百塊不附酒,非常傷耳的音響,加上 Loco Dice 相當搞怪我又得不到那個點,北京女又一直獵殺白種人,沒聽完就悻悻然離去。
