最近覺得上網找 (旅遊) 資料實在費時又費力,決定寫一小篇文章來分享個人經驗。
1. 抵達:如果是從歐洲各國前往Ibiza,請直接到各航空公司或比價網站詢價及訂位,像Easyjet、Iberia都相當簡單明瞭。
2. 住宿:住宿建議依照想要從事的活動先決定要住在那一區之後再上比價網站如Tripadvisor詢價及訂房。
派對 - 喜歡去派對的人建議住在Playa Den Bossa或者Ibiza Town,除了Space及Pacha在附近之外,這兩個區域也是晚上Disco Bus必經之點。
泡酒吧 - 西岸的San Antonio是首選,同時也擠滿了喝醉的英國人。這邊也是比較多商店聚集的地方。
看夕陽 - 著名的Sunset Strip就在San Antonio靠海的沙灘。如果不住在這,坐公車到西岸公車總站之後下坡往海邊走就對了。
和當地人閒晃 - Ibiza Town是島上的行政區,也是當地人的生活中心。
放鬆 - 除了以上三個區域以外,Ibiza還有無數的沙灘......
3. 食:沒得選,有得吃就吃吧,除非你打算花一大筆錢及時間去冒險。
4. 購物:Pacha gift shop在Playa Den Bossa及San Antonio各有一間,另外派對折扣門票各大酒吧均有售。
R.I.P. Charlie Cooper (1977-2009)
Telefon Tel Aviv - You Are the Worst Thing in the World
I know that you’re an ocean
After the storm has come to stay
I know that you’re the silence
After the sun has gone away
I know that just the smallest part of the world belongs to me
You know.. I’m not a blind man but truth is the hardest thing to see
I know that you’re the worst thing in all of the world for me
I know that you’re the worst thing in all of the world for me
Telefon Tel Aviv - You Are the Worst Thing in the World (Invol2ver Remix)
R.I.P. Charlie Cooper
Cooper+Eustis+Spooky = God
I know that you’re an ocean
After the storm has come to stay
I know that you’re the silence
After the sun has gone away
I know that just the smallest part of the world belongs to me
You know.. I’m not a blind man but truth is the hardest thing to see
I know that you’re the worst thing in all of the world for me
I know that you’re the worst thing in all of the world for me
Telefon Tel Aviv - You Are the Worst Thing in the World (Invol2ver Remix)
R.I.P. Charlie Cooper
Cooper+Eustis+Spooky = God
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